Hot Desking

Instant access to a private desk, telephone and internet connection is immediately available in all of Serviced Office Group's business centres.
Cost effective
A desk, telephone and internet connection ready to go is the main feature of our hot-desk service. Whether you work from home and need a quiet place for a special project or need to keep in touch when away from your office, hot-desking provides the perfect solution.
Pay only for the time you use, minimum period is just one hour, plus any telephone call charges if applicable. Prices starting from £10 per hour.
With business centres all over the UK we have a solution for everyone.
Additional services
We can also provide you with secretarial services or a meeting room on a pay-as-you-go basis. Competitive rates and friendly and helpful service make Serviced Office Group's business centres the obvious choice.
Contact us now for further information and a personal quotation.